Sunday, February 21, 2010

Almost done with training

I'm halfway through training, and thought it'd be a good idea to post some pictures. I'm currently living in Parramos, Chimaltenango. Adjusting to life here. I'll find out in a few weeks exactly where I'll be placed for the next two years, and who I'll be partnered with.

The picture of me on my head is in Antigua, in the middle of the ruins of a church. It's a beautiful town about 30 minutes away from where I live.

The other is from a walk home from a nearby town after a day of technical training. Apparently, that wasn't the safest idea. Once we got home our families said to never do it again. Oh well, it was beautiful.

The one of a building and beautiful flowers is the Peace Corps Center. Where we go every Tuesday to learn about brain worms and diarrhea.

The one with male tinkerbells is from a guatemalan fair.

There's a lovely view of Volcan Fuego in Antigua.

Well that's all the pictures for now, the internet takes forever. And it's a beautiful day here (it's summer time here), time to walk around.
